


swiftc xxx.swift -emit-sil[gen] | xcrun swift-demangle > xxxxSILGen.sil


  • 全局的常量或者变量都是延迟计算的,跟延迟加载存储属性相似,不同的地方在于,全局的常量或变量不需要标记lazy修饰符。局部范围的常量和变量不延迟计算

  • 枚举类型不支持存储属性,想存储数据可以使用枚举关联的方式;

  • 为类定义计算型类型属性时,可以改用关键字class来支持子类对父类的实现进行重写;

  • 如果一个被标记为lazy的属性在没有初始化时就被多个线程访问,则无法保证该属性只会被初始化一次,也就是说lazy不是线程安全的;

  • 我们可以为除了延迟计算属性之外的其他存储属性添加属性观察器,也可以通过重写属性的方式为继承的属性(包括存储属性和计算属性)添加属性观察器;不需要为非重写的计算属性添加属性观察器,因为可以通过它的setter直接监控和响应值的变化;如果在一个属性的didSet观察器里为它赋值,这个值会替换该观察器之前设置的值;

  • 父类的属性在子类的构造器中被赋值时,它在父类中的willSetdidSet观察器会被调用,随后才会调用子类的观察器。在父类初始化方法调用之前,子类给属性赋值时,观察器不会被调用。

  • 存储型类型属性可以是变量或常量,计算型类型属性跟实例的计算型属性一样只能定义成变量属性。跟实例的存储型属性不同,必须给存储型类型属性指定默认值,因为类型本身没有构造器,也就无法在初始化过程中使用构造器给类型属性赋值。存储型类型属性是延迟初始化的,它们只有在第一次被访问的时候才会被初始化,即使它们被多个线程同时访问,系统也保证只会对其进行一次初始化,并且不需要对其使用lazy修饰符

  • 如果将属性通过in-out方式传入函数,willSetdidSet 也会调用,这是因为 in-out参数采用了拷入拷出模式:即在函数内部使用的是参数的copy,函数结束后,又对参数重新赋值


不要人云亦云,这个说法是有问题的,思考一下:假如我们有个变量 var i = 1,多线程修改时不需要加锁?



  1. 显式捕获:这种情况会发生值类型的拷贝操作,即生成一份新的变量,所以是安全的

  2. 函数传参时值类型会发生拷贝,所以是安全的

  3. let 标记的变量是不允许修改的,所以这种也是安全的





Objective-C中的block默认会捕获外界变量,我们要想修改捕获的值需要添加__block。 可是在Swift中不太一样,Swift中的闭包是捕获和存储其所在上下文中任意常量和变量的引用 引用 引用,注意是引用,如果想要捕获值类型变量的值,需要在闭包中显式引用。

我们来简单分析下,Swift捕获外界上下文变量时会在堆上开辟一块内存project_box (仔细想想,如果是在栈上,出作用域就会释放掉,还怎么实现捕获的目的?!),然后上下文变量会被包装成project_box(先被HeapObject包装一下,HeapObject再被Box包装一下,最后捕获的是Box,即捕获的上下文存储在堆空间),这个project_box会被放到闭包的参数列表后面传递进来。变量属于是被间接捕获的,有点类似于OC中的__block原理。当然,并不是所有的外界变量捕获都是经过包装过的,只有在闭包内发生修改的变量才会被包装,官方文档中有提到。

注意: 为了优化,如果一个值不会被闭包改变,或者在闭包创建后不会改变,Swift 可能会改为捕获并保存一份对值的拷贝。

 struct HeapObject {
    var Kind: UInt64
    var refcount: UInt64
 // 负责包装的结构体,也就是用来包装捕获需要更新的值
 struct Box {
    var refCounted: HeapObject
    // 这个捕获的值的类型根据捕获的值进行分配,此处规范操作是写泛型
    // var value: Int
    var value: <T>




使用lazy后再执行高阶函数,返回的其实是一个lazy对象,比如对一个数组进行XX操作,返回的是 LazyXXSequence 类型,这个类型中会保存原函数的操作行为和原始数据,只有在对这个lazy类型进行操作时才会真正进行函数操作。




Swift中的弱引用并没有和Objective-C一样放在全局的side table表中(Swift也不存在这个全局side table),而是由自身结构中的 InlineRefCounts refCounts来管理,这样效能会比Objective-C那种查表的方式高一些。


// The members of the HeapObject header that are not shared by a
// standard Objective-C instance
  InlineRefCounts refCounts

/// The Swift heap-object header.
/// This must match RefCountedStructTy in IRGen.
struct HeapObject {
  /// This is always a valid pointer to a metadata object.
  HeapMetadata const *__ptrauth_objc_isa_pointer metadata;


#ifndef __swift__
  HeapObject() = default;

  // Initialize a HeapObject header as appropriate for a newly-allocated object.
  constexpr HeapObject(HeapMetadata const *newMetadata) 
    : metadata(newMetadata)
    , refCounts(InlineRefCounts::Initialized)
  { }
  // Initialize a HeapObject header for an immortal object
  constexpr HeapObject(HeapMetadata const *newMetadata,
                       InlineRefCounts::Immortal_t immortal)
  : metadata(newMetadata)
  , refCounts(InlineRefCounts::Immortal)
  { }

#ifndef NDEBUG
  void dump() const SWIFT_USED;

#endif // __swift__

Swift 引用计数的存储结构在RefCount 头文件 有介绍:

  //Objects initially start with no side table. They can gain a side table when:
  //* a weak reference is formed and pending future implementation:
  //* strong RC or unowned RC overflows (inline RCs will be small on 32-bit)
  //* associated object storage is needed on an object
  //* etc
  //Gaining a side table entry is a one-way operation; an object with a side 
  //table entry never loses it. This prevents some thread races.

  //Strong and unowned variables point at the object.
  //Weak variables point at the object's side table.

  //Storage layout:

  HeapObject {
    InlineRefCounts {
      atomic<InlineRefCountBits> {
        strong RC + unowned RC + flags

  HeapObjectSideTableEntry {
    SideTableRefCounts {
      object pointer
      atomic<SideTableRefCountBits> {
        strong RC + unowned RC + weak RC + flags

一般情况下Swift引用类型的对象结构中的InlineRefCounts并不会开辟HeapObjectSideTableEntry内存,只有在创建weak引用时,会先把对象的引用计数放到新创建的HeapObjectSideTableEntry中去,再把空出来的空间存放 HeapObjectSideTableEntry 的地址,而 runtime 会通过一个标志位来区分对象是否有 HeapObjectSideTableEntry

对象的生命周期在 RefCount 头文件 中也有详细的说明:

  Object lifecycle state machine:

  LIVE without side table
  The object is alive.
  Object's refcounts are initialized as 1 strong, 1 unowned, 1 weak.
  No side table. No weak RC storage.
  Strong variable operations work normally. 
  Unowned variable operations work normally.
  Weak variable load can't happen.
  Weak variable store adds the side table, becoming LIVE with side table.
  When the strong RC reaches zero deinit() is called and the object 
    becomes DEINITING.

  LIVE with side table
  Weak variable operations work normally.
  Everything else is the same as LIVE.

  DEINITING without side table
  deinit() is in progress on the object.
  Strong variable operations have no effect.
  Unowned variable load halts in swift_abortRetainUnowned().
  Unowned variable store works normally.
  Weak variable load can't happen.
  Weak variable store stores nil.
  When deinit() completes, the generated code calls swift_deallocObject. 
    swift_deallocObject calls canBeFreedNow() checking for the fast path 
    of no weak or unowned references. 
    If canBeFreedNow() the object is freed and it becomes DEAD. 
    Otherwise, it decrements the unowned RC and the object becomes DEINITED.

  DEINITING with side table
  Weak variable load returns nil. 
  Weak variable store stores nil.
  canBeFreedNow() is always false, so it never transitions directly to DEAD.
  Everything else is the same as DEINITING.

  DEINITED without side table
  deinit() has completed but there are unowned references outstanding.
  Strong variable operations can't happen.
  Unowned variable store can't happen.
  Unowned variable load halts in swift_abortRetainUnowned().
  Weak variable operations can't happen.
  When the unowned RC reaches zero, the object is freed and it becomes DEAD.

  DEINITED with side table
  Weak variable load returns nil.
  Weak variable store can't happen.
  When the unowned RC reaches zero, the object is freed, the weak RC is 
    decremented, and the object becomes FREED.
  Everything else is the same as DEINITED.

  FREED without side table
  This state never happens.

  FREED with side table
  The object is freed but there are weak refs to the side table outstanding.
  Strong variable operations can't happen.
  Unowned variable operations can't happen.
  Weak variable load returns nil.
  Weak variable store can't happen.
  When the weak RC reaches zero, the side table entry is freed and 
    the object becomes DEAD.

  The object and its side table are gone.


  1. LIVE阶段:

    在给对象添加weak引用时,创建side table,把弱引用计数放到其中,强引用计数和无主引用计数也会挪到这里,在强引用计数变为0时调用deinit()析构函数,然后这个对象被标记为DEINITING

  2. DEINITING阶段(对象正在析构):

    a. 没有弱引用:

     i. 再强引用此对象不会发生任何效果,即什么都不做(OC中也是如此);
     ii. 通过无主引用加载此对象会发生`abort`;
     iii. 可以正常新增对此对象的无主引用;
     iv. 新增weak引用会指向nil


    b. 存在弱引用:

     i. 通过`weak`获取对象或者新增`weak`指向对象都不会有问题,它们都会指向`nil`;


  3. DEINITED阶段(对象析构完成,强引用计数变为0,但是存在无主引用):

    a. 没有弱引用:

     i. 通过无主引用加载此对象会发生`abort`;


    b. 存在弱引用:

     i. 通过`weak`获取对象得到`nil`;


  4. FREED阶段(对象已释放,但是存在弱引用,即side table):

    a. 当弱引用计数变为0,则释放side table entry,然后对象变为DEAD

  5. DEAD阶段:

    对象和它的side table都被释放了。






下面截取函数原型为arr.append(1); arr.append((100, 200)); arr.append(XX());的部分SIL代码,注意里面的init_existential_addr字眼:

store %6 to %3 : $*Array<Any>                   // id: %7
%8 = alloc_stack $Any                           // users: %17, %15, %11
%9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 1          // user: %10
%10 = struct $Int (%9 : $Builtin.Int64)         // user: %12
%11 = init_existential_addr %8 : $*Any, $Int    // user: %12
store %10 to %11 : $*Int                        // id: %12
%13 = begin_access [modify] [dynamic] %3 : $*Array<Any> // users: %16, %15
// function_ref Array.append(_:)
%14 = function_ref @Swift.Array.append(__owned A) -> () : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> () // user: %15
%15 = apply %14<Any>(%8, %13) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> ()
end_access %13 : $*Array<Any>                   // id: %16
dealloc_stack %8 : $*Any                        // id: %17
%18 = alloc_stack $Any                          // users: %32, %30, %19
%19 = init_existential_addr %18 : $*Any, $(Int, Int) // users: %21, %20
%20 = tuple_element_addr %19 : $*(Int, Int), 0  // user: %24
%21 = tuple_element_addr %19 : $*(Int, Int), 1  // user: %27
%22 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 100       // user: %23
%23 = struct $Int (%22 : $Builtin.Int64)        // user: %24
store %23 to %20 : $*Int                        // id: %24
%25 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int64, 200       // user: %26
%26 = struct $Int (%25 : $Builtin.Int64)        // user: %27
store %26 to %21 : $*Int                        // id: %27
%28 = begin_access [modify] [dynamic] %3 : $*Array<Any> // users: %31, %30
// function_ref Array.append(_:)
%29 = function_ref @Swift.Array.append(__owned A) -> () : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> () // user: %30
%30 = apply %29<Any>(%18, %28) : $@convention(method) <τ_0_0> (@in τ_0_0, @inout Array<τ_0_0>) -> ()
end_access %28 : $*Array<Any>                   // id: %31
dealloc_stack %18 : $*Any                       // id: %32
%33 = alloc_stack $Any                          // users: %43, %41, %37
%34 = metatype $@thick XX.Type                  // user: %36
// function_ref XX.__allocating_init()
%35 = function_ref @A.XX.__allocating_init() -> A.XX : $@convention(method) (@thick XX.Type) -> @owned XX // user: %36
%36 = apply %35(%34) : $@convention(method) (@thick XX.Type) -> @owned XX // user: %38
%37 = init_existential_addr %33 : $*Any, $XX    // user: %38
store %36 to %37 : $*XX                         // id: %38
%39 = begin_access [modify] [dynamic] %3 : $*Array<Any> // users: %42, %41



  1. 普通的枚举(非关联类型)自身只占用1个字节,与case数量无关;
  2. 带关联值的枚举,其所占内存大小为所有case中关联类型占用内存最大的那个(类似union),再加枚举自身的大小;
  3. 特殊场景:只有一个case的枚举,枚举本身所占用的内存大小是0个字节,如果带关联值,那枚举所占内存大小只包含关联值所占内存的大小,不包含枚举自身的大小;
  4. 对于有关联值的case,它的case值会根据定义的顺序默认从0开始累加1;而其余所有不带关联值的case,它们的case地址相同,都等于最后一个带关联成员case的值+1(也就是说不带关联值的case在带关联值的case后面);
  5. 关联值是直接存储在枚举变量内存里面的,而原始值不是,它是通过xx.rawValue(计算属性)访问的,因此它的原始值完全不需要存储(枚举也不支持存储属性),而是在计算属性函数的返回值中,即函数中。rawValue这个计算属性是编译器帮我们默认添加的,它的返回值默认是我们设置的原始值,假如我们自己实现了这个计算属性,编译器就不会帮我们默认添加了,而是使用我们自己的实现;
  6. 嵌套枚举:被indirect标记的对象会被BoxPair包装成引用类型(放到堆上),和Rust一样的处理方式(Rust中是被包装成Box类型);


  1. 静态派发

  2. 函数表派发

  3. 消息派发

  1. 添加 @objc 标识,编译器会生成两份函数实现,一份是消息派发的函数供OC调用,另一份是函数表派发或静态派发的函数实现;消息派发那个函数内部会调用另一份实现,我觉得可以简单理解为@objc只是编译器帮我们暴漏了一个OC接口而已;
  2. 多使用final关键字,一个类标记为final后,默认的函数表派发会变成静态派发,但是它不会影响@objc这个接口的生成;函数用final标记后也会变成静态派发;
  3. extension中的方法是静态派发;
  4. protocol中声明的方法属于函数表派发,即使在extension中添加了默认实现,当我们在调用某个对象的这个协议方法时采用的也是函数表派发;但是我们调用protocolextension中的某个未作为协议声明的方法时,采用的是静态派发的策略;
  5. private函数并未改变函数的派发方式(iOS摸鱼周报#73 中说private会隐式final声明,但我测试发现它并不会改变函数的派发方式,感兴趣的同学可以自己验证一下);

any VS some

// 1.泛型
func tFoo<T: Equatable>() -> T {
    return 42 as! T

// 2.some
func someFoo() -> some Equatable {
    return 42

// 3.any
func anyFoo() -> any Equatable {
    return 42
  1. someSwift 5.1新加的。anySwift 5.6引入的,用来修饰existential type,在Swift5.7中这个修饰行为变为了强制;
  2. some其实只是对泛型协议参数的一种等价简化(如上的12是等价的),也就是说some在编译期就可以确定出类型,在方法调用上可以做到函数表派发、静态派发;
  3. any则是类似盒子的类型,它包装了遵循特定协议的类型。这个box盒子允许我们去存储任何具体类型,只要该类型遵循了特定协议即可。
    1. 性能:由于编译器无法在编译期确定盒子内对象的具体类型以及内存分配方式,导致在运行时不得不采用动态派发的方式将消息派发到具体的对象上,这肯定比静态派发方式要慢很多。
    2. 由于existential type使用上太简单、太方便,很容易会出现滥用的情况,为了提醒开发人员性能损失这一点,所以在Swift 5.7中苹果强制要求对existential type使用any来标记。
    3. 我们不能使用==操作来比较两个existential type实例对象。



 // ✅ No compile error when changing the underlying data type
 var myCar: any Vehicle = Car()
 myCar = Bus()
 myCar = Car()
  // 🔴 Compile error in Swift 5.7: Use of protocol 'Vehicle' as a type must be written 'any Vehicle' 
 func wash(_ vehicle: Vehicle)  {
     // Wash the given vehicle
 // ✅ No compile error in Swift 5.7
 func wash(_ vehicle: any Vehicle)  {
     // Wash the given vehicle

 // 🔴 Compile error in Swift 5.7: Use of protocol 'Vehicle' as a type must be written 'any Vehicle'
// 一个函数不能返回多种类型结果,而`some`在编译期就可以确定类型,所以编译失败
 func createVehicle(isPublicTransport: Bool) -> some Vehicle {
    if isPublicTransport {
      return Bus()
    } else {
      return Car()
 // ✅ No compile error when returning different kind of concrete type 
func createAnyVehicle(isPublicTransport: Bool) -> any Vehicle {
    if isPublicTransport {
      return Bus()
    } else {
      return Car()





import Foundation

class Foo: NSObject {
    @objc func bar() {
        print("Hello from Swift!")

通过 swiftc Foo.swift -emit-sil | xcrun swift-demangle > FooSILGen.sil转换为SIL代码如下:


sil_stage canonical

import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims

import Foundation

@objc @_inheritsConvenienceInitializers class Foo : NSObject {
  @objc func bar()
  override dynamic init()
  @objc deinit

// Foo.bar()
sil hidden @Foo.Foo.bar() -> () : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Foo) -> () {
// %0 "self"                                      // user: %1
bb0(%0 : $Foo):
  debug_value %0 : $Foo, let, name "self", argno 1, implicit // id: %1
  %2 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 1           // user: %4
  // function_ref _allocateUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
  %3 = function_ref @Swift._allocateUninitializedArray<A>(Builtin.Word) -> ([A], Builtin.RawPointer) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer) // user: %4
  %4 = apply %3<Any>(%2) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (Builtin.Word) -> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>, Builtin.RawPointer) // users: %6, %5
  %5 = tuple_extract %4 : $(Array<Any>, Builtin.RawPointer), 0 // user: %17
  %6 = tuple_extract %4 : $(Array<Any>, Builtin.RawPointer), 1 // user: %7
  %7 = pointer_to_address %6 : $Builtin.RawPointer to [strict] $*Any // user: %14
  %8 = string_literal utf8 "Hello from Swift!"    // user: %13
  %9 = integer_literal $Builtin.Word, 17          // user: %13
  %10 = integer_literal $Builtin.Int1, -1         // user: %13
  %11 = metatype $@thin String.Type               // user: %13
  // function_ref String.init(_builtinStringLiteral:utf8CodeUnitCount:isASCII:)
  %12 = function_ref @Swift.String.init(_builtinStringLiteral: Builtin.RawPointer, utf8CodeUnitCount: Builtin.Word, isASCII: Builtin.Int1) -> Swift.String : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin String.Type) -> @owned String // user: %13
  %13 = apply %12(%8, %9, %10, %11) : $@convention(method) (Builtin.RawPointer, Builtin.Word, Builtin.Int1, @thin String.Type) -> @owned String // user: %15
  %14 = init_existential_addr %7 : $*Any, $String // user: %15
  store %13 to %14 : $*String                     // id: %15
  // function_ref _finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(_:)
  %16 = function_ref @Swift._finalizeUninitializedArray<A>(__owned [A]) -> [A] : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0> // user: %17
  %17 = apply %16<Any>(%5) : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0> (@owned Array<τ_0_0>) -> @owned Array<τ_0_0> // users: %26, %23
  // function_ref default argument 1 of print(_:separator:terminator:)
  %18 = function_ref @default argument 1 of Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> () : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %19
  %19 = apply %18() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // users: %25, %23
  // function_ref default argument 2 of print(_:separator:terminator:)
  %20 = function_ref @default argument 2 of Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> () : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // user: %21
  %21 = apply %20() : $@convention(thin) () -> @owned String // users: %24, %23
  // function_ref print(_:separator:terminator:)
  %22 = function_ref @Swift.print(_: Any..., separator: Swift.String, terminator: Swift.String) -> () : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Array<Any>, @guaranteed String, @guaranteed String) -> () // user: %23
  %23 = apply %22(%17, %19, %21) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed Array<Any>, @guaranteed String, @guaranteed String) -> ()
  release_value %21 : $String                     // id: %24
  release_value %19 : $String                     // id: %25
  release_value %17 : $Array<Any>                 // id: %26
  %27 = tuple ()                                  // user: %28
  return %27 : $()                                // id: %28
} // end sil function 'Foo.Foo.bar() -> ()'

// @objc Foo.bar()
sil private [thunk] @@objc Foo.Foo.bar() -> () : $@convention(objc_method) (Foo) -> () {
// %0                                             // users: %4, %3, %1
bb0(%0 : $Foo):
  strong_retain %0 : $Foo                         // id: %1
  // function_ref Foo.bar()
  %2 = function_ref @Foo.Foo.bar() -> () : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Foo) -> () // user: %3
  %3 = apply %2(%0) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Foo) -> () // user: %5
  strong_release %0 : $Foo                        // id: %4
  return %3 : $()                                 // id: %5
} // end sil function '@objc Foo.Foo.bar() -> ()'

sil_vtable Foo {
  #Foo.bar: (Foo) -> () -> () : @Foo.Foo.bar() -> ()	// Foo.bar()
  #Foo.deinit!deallocator: @Foo.Foo.__deallocating_deinit	// Foo.__deallocating_deinit

可以看到oc方法内部其实调用的还是Swift的实现:%2 = function_ref @Foo.Foo.bar() -> (), %3 = apply %2(%0),即@objc关键字未影响原来的派发方式。
